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Services by People UK

Contact Data

Obtain the very latest, Landline, Mobile and Email contact data. Establish a line of communication with a person made easier with multiple channels available either instantly or via the investigator research option.

Instant People Search

Access the very best Intelligence on People available in the UK from an online internet portal. We have years of experience in building searchable databases that are both intuitive and accurate. Our powerful web based tracing system will help you trace people. Well over 100 million individual searchable records to locate and trace a person in the UK.

Online Chat

Chat in real time with an online investigator to help guide you when searching for a record, a helping hand when frustration strikes.

Deceased Data

Over 20 million UK deceased records. Our Deceased records will link directly back to a UK address and any other family members identified. Great for building a family tree or Genealogy projects.